Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Whisk(e)y Wednesday - 2021-07-07

Hey... it's Wednesday. Been a while since I've done this... today we have a 6 Year Oregon Single Malt Whiskey from Bull Run Distilling Company, coming in at 45.18% ABV. This is Batch #007, Bottle #1002. My bottle was getting pretty low a while back, so I moved what was left to a smaller bottle to hold onto it a bit longer (:

On the nose I get honey, sweet tea, grass, some herbal notes, along with musty funk, maybe some pickle. The taste has come caramel, barley grain, honey, tea, some saltiness/brine too. The finish lingers for quite some time with some spice, touch of wood bite, and a funk at the end.

Adding a dash of water doesn't change much. Initially things are a little hotter, but then I do find more brown sugar on the nose, and the taste is smoothed out some overall. Overall this one is growing on me. My initial taste I wasn't sure if I was a fan, but I think each time I try it I like it a little more. Rated 3.5 / 5.0